Drainage Solutions


Drainage Solutions in & Around Tyler, Whitehouse, & Flint, TX

We will protect your property from future water damage with our drainage solutions.

Leaving drainage issues untreated on your property can cause them to become a lot bigger (and more expensive). Here at Salcido Lawn, we can design and install custom drainage solutions that will solve these issues before they get worse. We provide this service to property owners in Tyler, Whitehouse, Flint, and surrounding cities in Texas. Although we offer a wide selection of drainage solutions, the two that we install the most are French drains and dry creek beds. We offer this service throughout the year so we can help you solve your drainage issues regardless of the season. You can trust that we will get your drainage issues solved as quickly as possible.

What are our most popular drainage solutions?

At Salcido Lawn, we can design and install a variety of custom drainage solutions. However, the 2 most common drainage solutions that we build include:

French drains: A french drain is a man-made trench that contains a perforated pipe meant to redirect rainwater and groundwater away from a certain area. This system is typically implemented when you need water to drain from a higher area on your property to a lower area. French drains are typically filled with gravel or rocks in order to make them a more aesthetically pleasing addition to your property.

Dry creek beds: A dry creek bed is a man-made trench that is typically lined with stones or gravel and edged with small plants. While your dry creek bed will be dry most of the time, it will function as a miniature creek every time it rains.

We offer custom drainage solutions all year round.

Here in Texas, the rainy season can be stressful for us all; it can also reveal drainage issues on your property very quickly. For that reason, most of our customers who schedule our drainage services tend to schedule them in the spring and fall. Although the rainy season is our most popular time to receive requests about our custom drainage solutions, we offer this service all year round. That means that if you notice any drainage issues on your property, we can help you fix them no matter the time of year.

We have quality control professionals on staff to ensure that all of our work is done to perfect standards.

We will solve your drainage issues as quickly as possible.

When it comes to drainage issues, the longer you leave them untreated, the bigger they will become; when left untouched, drainage issues can cause all sorts of major problems that will cost a lot of money to fix, especially if the problem area is near your foundation. So, as soon as you notice signs of drainage issues on your property, give our team a call. We will solve these issues as quickly as possible so you won't have to worry about the problem getting worse. You can rely on us to save your property (and your wallet) from taking an even bigger hit from drainage issues.

Call our experts to design and install your new drainage solution!

Our crew at Salcido Lawn has been proudly serving the homes and businesses in Tyler, Whitehouse, Flint, and nearby communities in Texas since 2003. Our experts will work with you to design and install the perfect custom drainage solution for your property. Give us a call at (903) 502-0669 today to schedule a consultation with us!


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