Why is my grass still kinda brown

Hello friends, it's Marvin Salcido with Salcido Lawn here, and I wanted to take a moment because you might have noticed that your grass is not green enough as fast this year as it normally does. Don't worry, that has to do with the cool nights that we've been getting over this past month. Normally, we have a lot warmer nights, but recently we've been as low as into the 30s and 40s and that's going to keep your grass from coming out of dormancy and make it a little bit slower, but we've got some warmer temperatures on the way and you'll see your grass start to green up a whole lot faster as soon as it warms up in the evening times. When we have those nice hot days, you'll see your grass starting to turn green, so don't worry if your grass is still a little bit brown, it's still coming out of dormancy and it's nothing to worry about. If y'all have any questions please leave them below. I'll help you however I can. Thank y'all so much and you all have a wonderful day.


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