How to properly trim Crape Myrtles

Hello this is Marvin Salcido here with Salcido Lawn and I wanted to make a quick video to show you how we, as lawn maintenance professionals, trim Crape Myrtles. Now a lot of people come through and they crepe murder and we should not create murder because crape lives matter. The proper way that we have found to trim Crepe Myrtles is you don't just come through and hack them off straight across because that, as you've probably seen at a lot of places around town, creates those big knots and those big balls at the are at the tops of the Crape Myrtles, and it doesn't really give you a real nice healthy looking Crape Myrtle. What we do, and as you can see that Benny's doing right here, is we come through and we cut any of the branches that are about smaller than the width of your pinkie. We go through and we trim them off and then we're going to come through, and any of these branches up here that are pointing towards the house, we're gonna take those off and remove them and that allows the Crape Myrtle to grow up and be nice, strong, and healthy. So just remember, it's when you come through and you trim your Crape Myrtles to take anything that's smaller than the width of your pinky. It's a little more time-consuming to do it this way, but in the end, it'll give you a much better cleaner result. Another thing that we're gonna do is, you can see we've got a small gimp little branch right here that didn't do anything after we trimmed it last year. So, we're gonna go ahead and remove this branch completely because it's not doing anything at all, so in the end we're gonna have a much nice nicer cleaner Crape Myrtle. I'll take some after pictures to show you what they look like. So remember, anything smaller than with your pinky, any branches that are crossing - go ahead and take those out because they're not going to produce or they're going to end up creating some knots from where they're rubbing back, and I think you'll be happier with the end result. Thank you all so much and y'all have a wonderful day.


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