Army Worms Are Attacking

Hello friends, it's Marvin Salcido here with Salcido Lawn and the topic of today is armyworms. I'm sure many of you all have seen on the news or maybe you've seen them in your own yard, but they're these little green caterpillars that viciously eat the blades of grass in your yard. They particularly like Bermuda grass and they will decimate a yard in a day or two. It's crazy how much they eat. They'll go through, and they don't eat into the root system, but they will eat all the blade off of the stalk of grass and they just leave a real thin stalk left, which is all that's left of the grass. They'll go through your whole yard and then just jump and head on to your neighbor's house, so if you see armyworms, what do you do? Well you need to treat it right away, and one thing that we have found that is very beneficial is bifenthrin, and it's something that you can just spray on there. It's available at Home Depot, Tractor Supply, and most of your big-box stores that are going to carry it. Bifenthrin is the active ingredient. Many of them have different brand names but you're gonna want to look for that active ingredient of bifenthrin. It's super easy you just go through and broadcast spray the whole yard, everywhere where it's it's being affected and you want to go outside the affected area a little bit in case they start to spread over there, and then it's taken care of. Most of your bifenthrin is going to come in a mixture. The one that I saw over at Tractor Supply, is mixed with one ounce per gallon of water, so it's one ounce of chemical per gallon of water. It's gonna help take care and kill all of those army worms and it also is going to help kill a whole lot of various other insects. It's super easy to use, just please make sure that you read the label and follow the label because those army worms are some vicious little animals. As I said, they will decimate a yard almost literally overnight. If you have any other questions or concerns, please leave them below I'll help you out however I can. Y'all have a wonderful day.


Happy New Year!


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